Thursday 31 January 2013

The Amazing Kevin Okafor's Amazing Sketches brings him an International Standing Ovation

Couple of days back the amazing Nigerian artist Kevin Okafor aka KO entered for the "Cork street open winter exhibition 2013" where 3 of his drawings: "Timeless", "Adam II" and Aisha II" where shortlisted...well guess what? HE WON,yhh KO did knock out everyone.

 Above is the sketch that won him the 
                                                                                     competition "timeless" and below it is the certificate.  


He didn't only win that, he was also the runner up for best show award and a superb cash price alongside  

This humble artist has been showing of  his talents with just pencils and charcoal. No doubt, the gift of a man can make way for him.
 Here are some of the amazing Kevin okafor's amazing sketches.

Click below to see much more amazing sketches of KO!!!

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